Tarasov Vladimir Viktorovich has been engaged in notarial activities since 1999 and is a member in the Moscow City Notary Chamber.Vladimir Viktorovich has the status of the current: an order under number 113-n of 10.03.2004 on the authority of the notary of the city of Moscow, which is engaged in private practice of the Main…
Category: Law firms
Notary yakushevskaya Irina Ivanovna reviews
Basic services:Placement of information on FedresursReal estate transactionsCertificate of transactions with the shares of LLC, including OptionsProviding evidence, including Inspection of the Internet pages, e -mail, etc.Registration of inheritance rightsPower of attorney, consent and obligations – any kindThe acceptance of monetary amounts and securities in a depositPerforming executive inscriptionsSubmission of documents for state registration of…
Notary Kоrol Victoria Alekseevna reviews
The notary office is a place where the most important issues come to solve. It is here that large transactions are concluded daily, agreements are drawn up and a power of attorney is signed that can change the lives of many people. How honest each operation will be, largely depends on the notary. A professional…
Notarius Shaykevich Maria Leonidovna reviews
The notary office is located in the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow on Degtyarny Lane, house 15, the building 1 (5 minutes on foot from the metro station Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya). In our notary office you can perform the entire list of notarial actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian…
Notary Gorbatenko Nikolay Vladimirovich reviews
Meanwhile, you can directly contact our notary, located in the area of Ostozhenka and Prechistenka streets, saving your time and money, and having received the necessary assistance in preparing documents. For more than 15 years, the notary of the notary Gorbatenko Nikolai Vladimirovich provides notarial services in Moscow to both citizens and legal entities. There…
Notarium Fayzulina Dilyara Shamilievna reviews
Notaries perform the following notarial actions: Contacts:+7(919) 962-02-02http://notarius-di.ruMoscow, Pyatnitsky Lane house 3, building 3
Notary Korsik Konstantin Anatolyevich reviews
Contacts:+7 495 708-37-57https://korsik.notariat.ruMoscow, Zubovsky Boulev., 15, 2
Notary Karaseva Ksenia Igorevna reviews
In the notary office of the Moscow notary Ksenia Igorevna Karaseva, we will help you formalize and notarize real estate transactions, any types of powers of attorney, agreements, statements and carry out other notarial actions provided for by the Fundamentals of Notary Legislation.Alienation of real estate;Inheritance;Alienation of shares of the authorized capital;Minutes of general meetings…
Notary Cherkasova Elena Anatolyevna reviews
Contracts, the subject of which is real estateFamily and legal contractsCorporate legal contractsOther contractsPower of attorneyWillOther one -way transactions, willRegistration of inheritance rightsMeasures to protect the inheritance and manage themCertificate of inheritanceCertificates of ownership of a share in the common property of spousesRegister of notifications about pledging movable propertyOther notarial actions Contacts:+7 (926) 147-94-44https://www.cherkasova-notary.ru\Moscow, Seleznevskaya…
Notary Goncharov Philip Yurievich reviews
A notary performs notarial acts on behalf of the Russian Federation.All notary employees have the necessary qualifications, experience and knowledge to perform their duties assigned to them by the state.Notary of the city of Moscow Goncharov F.Yu. performs all notarial actions provided for by current legislation, including certifying a power of attorney for vehicles, consent…